I love breastfeeding. It’s one of my favourite things about being a mom. I have several favourite things of course, like the cuddles, the sound of his laughter, the way his face lights up when he sees me, watching him … Continue reading
I love breastfeeding. It’s one of my favourite things about being a mom. I have several favourite things of course, like the cuddles, the sound of his laughter, the way his face lights up when he sees me, watching him … Continue reading
It’s true.
My toughest days as a SAHM are 100x better than the best days at a job.
Being a SAHM can be beyond exhausting, and confusing, and the most challenging puzzle that seemingly has no solution because it changes every time you blink…
But woven in between each of those most challenging moments is a smile that fills your heart to overflowing, a touch that says “I love you”, and the witnessing of a life expanding before your eyes.
And it makes the toughest of moments dissipate like smoke in a vacuum. Immediately changing your despair to joy and restarting the clock.
As though each giggle, each smile, each hand hold, or new discovery by my angel, wipes the slate clean and we start over fresh, new, ready for anything – challenges overcome and forgotten.
Continue readingAs my son lies sleeping in my lap (on the breastfeeding pillow) and I awkwardly try typing over him on a keyboard propped against the bassinet that I’ve pulled close, I think once again about how much I miss sharing … Continue reading
Though my doctor had said I didn’t need to take the final blood test on the Friday after our last appointment, I decided to take it anyway. The results: 10,817 – doubled in three days! You see, now that I’d done … Continue reading
Beta Bloods – First Three Results I’d had my beta blood tests done at, 13dp6dt, 16dp6dt, and 19dp6dt. On the day following the 19dp test I had an appointment with my doctor. The first thing he said when he walked … Continue reading
The Two Week Wait… Some people find this two week wait excruciating. They start testing at 5 days past (dp) and then stress because they’re not sure if they see a line or don’t see a line, so they post … Continue reading
The following morning, still not feeling pregnant but trying to remind myself as often as possible that I actually was…I was there, I saw it happen…I decided to go for one last walk through the park near the hotel before … Continue reading
Olomouc in early morning fog… I woke the day after transfer in Olomouc (pronounced: Olomotz) and felt….no different. Of course, I was now officially considered Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise (PUPO), but I felt no different to the way I’d felt … Continue reading
March 30, 2017, continued… Having communicated with my future little one in my journal, I was feeling calmer and ready for what was to come next… though still a bit disconnected. Acupuncture: L the acupuncturist arrived on time at 9am. … Continue reading
March 30, 2017 – Transfer Day – Olomouc, Czech Republic How do I feel? I wish I could say I was excited. I wish I was excited. I don’t feel anything much at all really. It’s just another day. I woke … Continue reading