My Hardest Days as a SAHM are better than the best days at a job

It’s true.

My toughest days as a SAHM are 100x better than the best days at a job.

Being a SAHM can be beyond exhausting, and confusing, and the most challenging puzzle that seemingly has no solution because it changes every time you blink…

But woven in between each of those most challenging moments is a smile that fills your heart to overflowing, a touch that says “I love you”, and the witnessing of a life expanding before your eyes.

And it makes the toughest of moments dissipate like smoke in a vacuum. Immediately changing your despair to joy and restarting the clock.

As though each giggle, each smile, each hand hold, or new discovery by my angel, wipes the slate clean and we start over fresh, new, ready for anything – challenges overcome and forgotten.

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