Though my doctor had said I didn’t need to take the final blood test on the Friday after our last appointment, I decided to take it anyway. The results: 10,817 – doubled in three days! You see, now that I’d done … Continue reading
Though my doctor had said I didn’t need to take the final blood test on the Friday after our last appointment, I decided to take it anyway. The results: 10,817 – doubled in three days! You see, now that I’d done … Continue reading
Beta Bloods – First Three Results I’d had my beta blood tests done at, 13dp6dt, 16dp6dt, and 19dp6dt. On the day following the 19dp test I had an appointment with my doctor. The first thing he said when he walked … Continue reading
The Two Week Wait… Some people find this two week wait excruciating. They start testing at 5 days past (dp) and then stress because they’re not sure if they see a line or don’t see a line, so they post … Continue reading