Adoption: Matching Event

I attended a matching event last Friday and I was not really certain what to expect. What is a ‘Matching Event’? This was an event hosted by the Ministry in partnership with Choices (a private adoption agency) where the professionals in … Continue reading

How do you deal with the personal prying questions?

It has been highly intriguing the difference in reactions to my adopting an older child vs. a younger child. Some reactions from people have made me feel urm… strong emotions. Here is the general response to my adopting an 18 … Continue reading

Grade 3 teacher extraordinaire!

I attended my first parent/teacher evening at the school that I think H will be attending. I had emailed the school the day before to ask if I could attend, and was told absolutely yes! I was invited to check out the … Continue reading

Adoption Transitions…too fast?

Sink or Swim – the world of fast transitions… As I’m rounding the corner into parenthood through local adoption from foster care, I have asked the question of those who have gone before me if they felt pressured into a … Continue reading

With an open heart I evolve…

I didn’t post last week because I have been moving through so many emotions that made me feel like I should perhaps take a step back… a self-inflicted form of censorship really. I was scared to process too much online … Continue reading

My Heart is My Guide…

Since being approved as an adoptive parent, my heart has been open – wide open – raw and sensitive to everything around me. My heart is my guide. When I was considering the townhouse to purchase, I was still feeling … Continue reading